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Lassen County Office of Education

Lassen County Office of Education

Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)

TUPE logo - tobacco use prevention education
The Lassen County Office of Education is the Technical Assistance Provider for the Tobacco Use Prevention Program (TUPE), which is funded through the California Department of Education. The program's goal is to provide education, resources, and support for all Districts and Schools in Lassen County.
The Lassen County Office of Education also serves as the TUPE Tier 1 Cohort grant for all districts in the county to conduct the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) each fall.  After the results are received, the County Coordinator works with districts to establish a strategy to address one or more of the areas of need identified in the CHKS.  Part of the Cohort grants compliance with Tobacco Free Schools policies, the California Education Code, and Public Health Codes.  Assistance is provided to all Districts to ensure the education of students, staff, families, and the community about these policies.
Kick it red shoes with the slogan Kick it be tobacco free
Be 100% You Tobacco Free!

Be 100% You Tobacco Free!

The Kick It! The campaign is designed to educate students, staff, families, and the community about the importance of Kicking Tobacco Out Of Our Lives and Community.
Through the Kick It! California website students, staff, families, and community members can receive support to quit smoking and vaping!  
Red Ribbon Week October 23 - 31 Life is your journey travel tobacco and drug free
Red Ribbon Week 
life is your journey -
travel tobacco & drug free
October 23 - 31, 2024

Red Ribbon Week 
life is your journey -
travel tobacco & drug free
October 23 - 31, 2024

Red Ribbon Week, established in 1985, honors the memory of Drug Enforcement Agent Entrique "Kiki" Camarena, who was tragically murdered while fighting against illegal drugs in Mexico. His inspiring words to his mother ' "I'm only one person, but I weant to make a difference" - continue to resonate years later and leads the millions of people to wear red badges to promote a drug-free lifestyle. 
This year, the Lassen County Office of Education is enancing awareness through a series of engaging dress-up days:
October 23: Crazy Socks
October 24: Outrageous Hair Day
October 25: Wear Red Out (Dress in red to show your commitment to being tobacco and drug-free)
October 28:  Back to the 60s and 70s
October 30: Team up with Others (Wear your favotire team gear)
October 31: Drug Free, I Can Be Anything (Dress up as anything as long as you are drug free)
This year we encourage everyone to "KICK IT" and commit to being tobacco-free. If you or someone you know is struggling to quit, text "quit smoking" or "quit vaping" to 66819 for support.
Dandy the smokeless dragon in football gear running a football
It's Dandy to play tobacco free!

It's Dandy to play tobacco free!

The Play Tobacco Free Campaign is designed to be 100% Free of Tobacco for those playing sports.  The use of cigarettes, vaping devices, chewing, and other tobacco products puts the health and performance of the athlete at risk of not only playing their best but also allowing their respiratory system to function correctly.  Athletes need to breathe clearly, which helps them think clearly and do their best.