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For assistance with all credentialing issues, email or call (530)257-2196.

Credentials Services has the responsibility of registering and reviewing the credentials of all certificated personnel in Lassen County.
  • Registration of credentials for all certificated personnel assigned in school districts in Lassen County.
  • Recruitment and publication of the Substitute Teachers List for use by public schools within Lassen County.
  • Review of certification assignments in Lassen County to ensure instructors are teaching in positions for which they are properly licensed. This is in compliance with state legislation (Education Code) and regulation (California Code of Regulations, Title 5).
  • Process new applications and assist with renewals as necessary.
  • Advise out-of-state applicants regarding California certification.
  • Advise teachers regarding requirements for additional certification.
  • Transcript evaluation.
  • Process Child Development Permits
  • Provide applications, forms, and registration materials for the following exams: CBEST, CTEL (formerly CLAD), RICA, and CSET Subject Matter
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